November 5, 2010

A first bachelor presentation

This monday I had my first presentation of my bachelor thesis about the ‘Transformation of OCL to Schematron’. Needless to say that I have been incredible nervous about this because I was not sure if I had worked hard enough the first month. It turned out that there were no major concerns with my thesis. Lucky me :)

The basic approach to the transformation stayed the same - I just added some specific tidbits. Here’s a small excerpt from my presentation:

The first images presents how I am planning on working on my bachelor thesis. I’d like to see my thesis as an iterative process which consists of:

  1. thinking about how to transform a small piece of OCL to Schematron
  2. trying to program the small transformation
  3. evaluate if the transformation matches all my needs

bachelor thesis planning

The second images presents the transformation itself:

  1. parse OCL input file
    • split input into single OCL expressions
    • type those OCL expressions according to OCL ConcreteSyntax
  2. transform single OCL expressions according to given transformation rules
  3. create Schematron output file

OCL transformation

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